Monday, March 30, 2009

Vikarbyn II, this time it's personal

Hello, once again! So soon after my last post...i feel like Dean Koontz on speed. But since i've had requests from far and wide to give more regular it is!

One of the things we love about our house in Vikarbyn is the beautiful logs that the previous own let show when he re-did the place.

They show the structure of the house and give it a real country feel. It's one of the things that made us fall for it at first sight.

That second pic is before we moved in...the day we came to see it. Matilda was already in love with it and i caught her fire and knew she was right as soon as i saw it too! THIS was OUR place!

I forgot to mention the other room we have on the property! we have an actual root cellar! It's under a grove of cherry trees and right now we have some 50odd kilos of potatoes in there.

Matilda refuses to go down there...can't really blame her though. It is a bit creepy...Everytime i go down i always stop at the door when i open it and wait to see if i hear any pitterpatter of little rat feet. :-D

Now, i'll put up some random pics that i like of our place:

To round things off, here's a pic of a happy Matilda after we had seen the place and we went in to Rättvik and walked out on the amazingly long pier there...check out those ice bergs!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Heavenly Vikarbyn

You know...sometimes a place just fits you...your lifestyle or the way you want your kids to grow up or something about it just feels "right". It's almost enough to make me believe in reincarnation...i think i lived in Vikarbyn in another life...cause it fits all those descriptions.

I mean....look at that. quite a view, eh? here's the same view in clearer weather:

That the wonderful Lake Siljan...a few minutes walk from our house. It has sandy beaches and the water is shallow(knee-high) out to about half a perfect for swimming little kiddies!

At the start of spring, they release some water from the dam down stream and the water levels lower so it's ALL sandy beach for as far as the eye can see! look:

Usually this is all covered by lovely sun-warmed water....and ofcourse since i was there alone and working while my family was back in Västerås in our old house and i missed them terribly, i took the time to do something special:


There are so many pics i'd love to put up of our house...but my current favorite is one that Matilda took...catches the angle perfectly and shows the best of our new home:

That's the "backside" of our house and the guest house...just love this pic so much!

another view of the guesthouse and it's attached buildings:

That's the guesthouse all the way to the is the woodshed, then the garage, then the toolshed. around the corner is one more room and small storage shed that's own well! still need to have that water checked to se if i can use it for gardening. It's deep though...i took a LONG stick and tried to reach bottom...didn't (brrrr...) so right now it have a lid over it and a lot of bricks stacked on the lid and a tree trunk on top of the bricks...all to discourage curious kids from investigating. :-D

I think i'll have to break this one up into 2 posts...too many pics to show and there are a ton of dishes with my name on them in the kitchen! bye for now!