Full name: Vera Angelina Ida Farmer
Birthday: February 3rd, 2004
Occupation: In daycare
Personal traits: Outgoing, energetic, cuddly, intelligent
Special talents: Singing
Activities: Playing house, drawing
Birthday: February 3rd, 2004
Occupation: In daycare
Personal traits: Outgoing, energetic, cuddly, intelligent
Special talents: Singing
Activities: Playing house, drawing
and to you my little one .
what can i get for someone as big as you . it is a puzzle , could it be loads and loads of candy NO i think not because then i would have the dentist . could i send you some cookies and cakes ( again ) NO they would be crushed and all crumbled up . it could be hugs and kisses, but i could ask your mom and dad to give them for me . for being the smallest one you seem to be the biggest puzzle of all . on this i will have to give much thought because you are important to me
till i talk to you again little one sty safe
it may be obvious to that i meant to say i would have to pay the dentist . sorry i did not notice it until after i sent it .
Monty the lousy speller
lol, i'm king of lousy spelling and reigning champion of mis-punctuation, this year i'm also up for sentence structure maniac as well. so don't feel bad.
vera loves having stories read to her, princess stories. hopefully involving a dragon and a prince. as long as there is romance and excitment, she's there! so maybe some english children's books could be an option...though i know that books, by their size and weight cost more to send. an idea anyway, if you haven't already thought of anything.
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