Thursday, November 18, 2010

Found some pics i'd like to real timeline in them but i just thought they were special.

LOVE this pic of Erin...i can see the grown-up she's gonna become one day. We call these her "Rebecca de Morney" pics...cuz she so resembles the actress from "Risky Business"

You see the resemblance???

Here's prim little Vera pretending to behave herself while eating at Matilda's greatgreat grandmother's room at the retirement home. You almost couldn't tell that in a few minutes they'd be doing this:

Yes, suddenly it was DEATHRACE 2000 with the wheelchairs. Poor blind, frail little Thyra had to stand aside as they two mechas of destruction battled for supremecy.

My tired cowgirl on the long train ride through the mountains of, i mean! Matilda says I'M made to wear that hat...but looking at this pic i think she needs one too! *meow*

And speaking of sweet( grins) how about these? i made 250 cinnamon rolls for Matilda's fashion show. Even though many people did show up...silly Swedes are too polite to eat cinnamon rolls with both hands. So i had MANYMANYMANY over...atleast 125! We gave away so many but still have so many to put in the freezer afterwards. There was endless fika every week until they were gone...OH! the horror!

We collect the Swedish porcelin series "Gröna Anna" and i'm always scouring the flea markets and antique stores for new pieces. While this particular piece was not GA, it was from an earlier period of the same factory, so it would have fit in. That piece is probably about 150 years old and i absolutly LOVED it.

Funny to still come across these things...i would have bought this too...if only that just by having it makes a statement here in Sweden. Not many people would look at it and know me and know the humor i see in it. Instead they'd try to induce me to join Jimmie Åkesson's Nazi Party. ;)

Fashion icon Erin says the bohemian look is on it's way back...God she's cute! *lovehugs*

Finally, a pic of me that i don't totally hate! Gotta love that deep contemplating look...goddamn i'm so smart and concerned with worldly problems...MEH! really, i'm just trying to figure out how to swipe Matilda's roll off her plate without her noticing. ;) "LOOK! is that a badger with a GUN!" *yoinks*

So, here we are on our own little private beach in Vikarbyn, Sweden....yeah, don't you just wish you were here??? though not right now...there's quite a few inches of ice on that lake now and you'd freeze yer bollocks off if you did find open water to jump into. But in the need NOWHERE else to go.

Well, whatdoya know, another pic that i don't cringe from. Me in my work uniform. i LOVED the black uniform...but hated it when i was baking. :)

There, no real content but some fun pics and witty comentary...just like me, Ron Farmer!

See you soon!

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